Stop trying to manage time because you can’t manage time but you can do this to help you be more effective.

It’s not unusual to encounter time draining/wasting situations at work whether or not you’re the boss, the manager, the employee or the self-employed. Let us introduce to you four simple ways to manage time, and manage stress as a result!

1. Manage yourself

Bad time management is one of the deadliest sources of stress and it’s really about poor self management. You can’t manage time but you can manage YOU! Schedule your time daily and always plan some time for stress reduction. The best way to manage your self is to make a checklist of things you have to do, tackle them one at a time and crossing them off as soon as they’re completed. 

2. Prioritize

Start your day with the most important task, even if it’s unpleasant. You will find that as the day progresses, your anxiety decreases and your sense of accomplishment increases. Try not to schedule your tasks back-to-back to not overwork yourself and care to take a few minutes off to unwind after reaching the task. 

3. Chunk your tasks

Chunking is a method to increase the ability to store an item in your memory and it involves breaking down an item into smaller, easier to remember bits. The same concept applies to big projects. Being efficient does not mean tackling it at large. Do not hesitate to break down a big project into smaller, more manageable parts and delegate them to your team members. 

4. Have fun

Never fail to schedule a time for recreation. Life cannot be all about work, work, and more work! Too much time spent at the office or home resuming office work can eventually lead to burn out. Take time after office hours to unwind and relax with your friends or loved ones. You can choose to meet for dinner, head for drinks or even stay home, kick back and relax. Anything, as long as you leave the office and its stressors behind you.

Would you like some more ideas on how to better manage yourself and get more out of your business and life? Download a copy of my free guide: Super Charged Productivity and get control of your business and life. Download your free copy here.

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