Workplace stressors can be managed by managing your thought flow and your emotional responses. Here are four simple steps for stress management.

  1. Be Realistic
    Unrealistic demands on ourselves only put more strain on our busy lives. Know your limits. You should be realistic about how much you can do so it is important to learn to say “no” to more work and commitments.
  2. Be Positive
    You should realize the power of positive thinking. Instead of seeing our problems as problems, you can reframe them into opportunities – see your glass as half full. This way, it is much easier to manage whatever stressor you have. Negative thinking is common during stressful times but it only adds on to the stress.
  3. Be Expressive
    Bottling up your emotions is the wrong move while dealing with stressful situations. While at the office, these bottled emotions can easily affect your work etiquette and efficiency. If someone at the office is causing your stress, it might help to sit that person down and rationally discuss your concerns. If you’re worried about further straining the relationship, you can choose to share your concerns with someone you trust. It’s a healthy way to bring relief to your anxiety. Although beware of rumination. Constant dwelling on a certain problem can actually add more strain to yourself instead of relieving it.
  4. Be Accepting
    Most circumstances in life are beyond your control – don’t try to control events or other the behavior of others. Our world is not perfect and in order to manage stress, you should accept that not everything is within your reach. If you are not the cause of a problem, leave it alone. If it is, try and resolve it and if you cannot, leave it alone. It’s important to not agonize and ruminate over the issue so try to accept the situations you cannot change.

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